
Anti-Bullying Statement

  • Bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Bullying is not in keeping with the values of our school.
  • Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone, children and adults
  • Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour towards an individual or group, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves.
  • Bullying can be physical (e.g. hitting, kicking, theft, damage to property).
  • Bullying can be verbal (e.g. name calling, racist remarks, threats, nasty teasing).
  • Bullying can be psychological (e.g. spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups).
  • Bullying can be cyber-bullying (e.g. using mobile phones and social media to spread rumours, unkind images or insults).
  • Bullying can take many forms, including: racial, religion, cultural, SEN or disability, appearance and health, home circumstances, homophobic, bi-phobic, transphobic, sexual).
  • Bullying is not confined to children and young people; we recognise adults and children can be both bully and victim.
  • Bullying is not confined to the school site, and we take of equal importance any reported bullying outside the school day that affects any member of our school community.
  • Bullying is not playground squabble, disagreements and conflicts; it is a repetitive, intentional hurtful behaviour focused on one individual or group.

Reporting and Recording Bullying

  • Any child who feels bullied is encouraged to report to a trusted adult, or to one of the school’s school council representatives who will then report it to a member of staff.
  • Children are encouraged to ‘tell, tell and tell again’.
  • Any parent who feels their child is being bullied is encouraged to report to the class teacher or a member of the school leadership team.
  • Adults who feel they are bullied are encouraged to report this to the headteacher, or if this is not possible to the lead governor for anti-bullying.
  • All members of the school community are expected to report and must not ignore any bullying they have witnessed.
  • All reported allegations of bullying will be recorded in the schools reporting system, together with any evidence of substantiation that is available.
  • The school will record actions taken and the outcomes of these actions.
  • Incidents of bullying are reported termly to the Full Governing Body in anonymised form, through the headteacher’s report.

Responding to Allegations

On receiving an allegation related to bullying, a senior member of staff will:

  • Take accounts from all involved (victim, bully, bystander witnesses).
  • Inform parents where there is substantiating evidence of bullying.
  • Apply sanctions according to the severity of the bullying. 
  1. Loss of break times (in blocks of five minutes);
  2. Removal of pupil from class/activity;
  3. Formal letter home/meeting with parents;
  4. Exclusions from areas (e.g. playground) or activities (e.g. clubs);
  5. Lunchtime exclusion;
  6. Fixed term exclusion;
  7. Permanent exclusion.

In addition:

            Bullies may be helped by:

  • Opportunities to hear from the victim about how they felt;
  • Close working with parents;
  • Daily report card to modify behaviour;
  • Referral if appropriate to other agencies.

Victims may be helped by:

  • Opportunities to tell the bully how they felt and why;
  • Allocation of a named adult for them to confide in.
  • Referral if appropriate to other agencies for support.

Anti-Bullying Code

AAlways tell someone
Tell a responsible adult or a friend, someone to resolve the situation.
You WILL be taken seriously.
BBe positive
Try not to let the bully see that you are upset. Say no and walk away confidently.
CCare for each other
You have a responsibility to tell an adult if you know someone is being bullied.
Don’t be a bystander.